CAST-USA Cloud Run 2022

About: The CAST-USA CRun (Cloud Run Competition) is a team oriented rally on cloud utilizing a modern Metaverse tracking and scoring system. The winners will be presented with awards at the 30th CAST-USA Annual Convention. An introductory  and Q&A session will be provided at the upcoming Seminar on Aug 5th.  
: CAST-USA members, families, relatives, and friends are all cordially invited
Route: from NYC to LA.

    1. 7/18 - 8/7: Fill in the application form below and register (must register to attend). 
    2. 8/20 - 9/10: Run for team success! 
    3. 10/14 - 15: Attend the award ceremony at the 30th CAST-USA Annual Convention. 

Contact: Dr Liqiang Tao, Chair, [email protected], Tel: (+1) 412-726-1906
Register: Fill out all data fields below & submit (by 8/7 to participate)


时间美东早八点 8/20 早八点开始,跑完总距离为结束点。(预计两周左右时间)
注册:每位参赛者需在8月7号前网上注册。个人 Unique ID 将会于分组后,同时发放。
   1. 北京,天津(包括河北、内蒙)

   2. 陕西、甘肃 (包括西北五省及山西)

   3. 江苏 (南京、苏州)

   4. 安徽、河南

   5. 湖南、湖北

   6. 四川、重庆 (包括贵州、云南)

   7. 江西、福建

   8. 上海、浙江

   9. 广东 (广州、深圳,广西、港、澳、台)

   10. 山东、辽宁 (包括东三省)

CAST-USA Cloud Run Registered!

Dear Friend, Thank you for your interest in the CAST-USA CRun Competition 2022. Please ensure to register by NY Time 11:59pm on 8/7/2022 to be enrolled in the competition. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any question. Yours Sincerely. CAST-USA CRun Committee [email protected]